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Modenese, L. and J.-B. Renault. "Automatic Generation of Personalised Skeletal Models of the Lower Limb from Three-Dimensional Bone Geometries." Journal of Biomechanics. 116: 110186 (2021)

The aim of this project is to automatically generate skeletal OpenSim models using three-dimensional bone geometries obtained from medical images using the STAPLE toolbox.
The automatically created models are compared against models manually created from the same anatomical datasets.

License: Modenese_2021-repropack

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This work is framed in a long-term plan to advance the state of the art of anatomical modelling and subject-specific modelling of the musculoskeletal system through automation of its most challenging technical tasks. The projects linked to this project are also part of this longer term plan.


The downloadable package includes scripts and data allowing to reproduce all results and figures of the primary publication.

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