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- Gives an example of how to use OpenSim as an analysis tool of wearable device
- Provide example simulation models that is easy to use and modify

License: Exosuit simulation model

This project tackles the challenges of developing wearable device using OpenSim simulation. Simulation can help developing wearable device as it can give an intuition on how wearable devices interact with human and how muscle activations change when a subject wear the device. We can also find the key features that one should account for when designing wearable device in order to make it efficient.

In this project, I focused on specific wearable device, called Harvard Exosuit. BioDesign group at Harvard University is developing this suit, and the main idea is to create a soft and deformable under-suit which can assists loaded walking.

My accomplishments through this project are

- Evaluate the effectiveness of wearing active actuators on metabolic cost reduction.
- Explain how Exosuit can help loaded gait
- Verify the impact of changes of design parameters
- Find optimal control inputs for active actuators

Here is a video clip for project overview:

If you want more details of this project, please visit the project confluence webpage: Confluence page


Different types of simulation models are provided to give an example of how we can simulate a subject wearing external actuators.

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