TNLPAdapter Class Reference

#include <IpTNLPAdapter.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for TNLPAdapter:

NLP ReferencedObject

List of all members.

Detailed Description

This class Adapts the TNLP interface so it looks like an NLP interface.

This is an Adapter class (Design Patterns) that converts a TNLP to an NLP. This allows users to write to the "more convenient" TNLP interface.

Public Types

enum  FixedVariableTreatmentEnum { MAKE_PARAMETER = 0, MAKE_CONSTRAINT }
 Enum for treatment of fixed variables option. More...
enum  DerivativeTestEnum { NO_TEST = 0, FIRST_ORDER_TEST, SECOND_ORDER_TEST }
 Enum for specifying which derivative test is to be performed. More...

Public Member Functions

virtual void GetQuasiNewtonApproximationSpaces (SmartPtr< VectorSpace > &approx_space, SmartPtr< Matrix > &P_approx)
 Method returning information on quasi-Newton approximation.
bool CheckDerivatives (DerivativeTestEnum deriv_test)
 Method for performing the derivative test.
SmartPtr< TNLPtnlp () const
 Accessor method for the underlying TNLP.
 TNLPAdapter (const SmartPtr< TNLP > tnlp, const SmartPtr< const Journalist > jnlst=NULL)
 Default constructor.
virtual ~TNLPAdapter ()
 Default destructor.
TNLPAdapter Initialization.
virtual bool ProcessOptions (const OptionsList &options, const std::string &prefix)
 Method for creating the derived vector / matrix types (Do not delete these, the ).
virtual bool GetSpaces (SmartPtr< const VectorSpace > &x_space, SmartPtr< const VectorSpace > &c_space, SmartPtr< const VectorSpace > &d_space, SmartPtr< const VectorSpace > &x_l_space, SmartPtr< const MatrixSpace > &px_l_space, SmartPtr< const VectorSpace > &x_u_space, SmartPtr< const MatrixSpace > &px_u_space, SmartPtr< const VectorSpace > &d_l_space, SmartPtr< const MatrixSpace > &pd_l_space, SmartPtr< const VectorSpace > &d_u_space, SmartPtr< const MatrixSpace > &pd_u_space, SmartPtr< const MatrixSpace > &Jac_c_space, SmartPtr< const MatrixSpace > &Jac_d_space, SmartPtr< const SymMatrixSpace > &Hess_lagrangian_space)
 Method for creating the derived vector / matrix types (Do not delete these, the ).
virtual bool GetBoundsInformation (const Matrix &Px_L, Vector &x_L, const Matrix &Px_U, Vector &x_U, const Matrix &Pd_L, Vector &d_L, const Matrix &Pd_U, Vector &d_U)
 Method for obtaining the bounds information.
virtual bool GetStartingPoint (SmartPtr< Vector > x, bool need_x, SmartPtr< Vector > y_c, bool need_y_c, SmartPtr< Vector > y_d, bool need_y_d, SmartPtr< Vector > z_L, bool need_z_L, SmartPtr< Vector > z_U, bool need_z_U)
 Method for obtaining the starting point for all the iterates.
virtual bool GetWarmStartIterate (IteratesVector &warm_start_iterate)
 Method for obtaining an entire iterate as a warmstart point.
TNLPAdapter evaluation routines.
virtual bool Eval_f (const Vector &x, Number &f)
virtual bool Eval_grad_f (const Vector &x, Vector &g_f)
virtual bool Eval_c (const Vector &x, Vector &c)
virtual bool Eval_jac_c (const Vector &x, Matrix &jac_c)
virtual bool Eval_d (const Vector &x, Vector &d)
virtual bool Eval_jac_d (const Vector &x, Matrix &jac_d)
virtual bool Eval_h (const Vector &x, Number obj_factor, const Vector &yc, const Vector &yd, SymMatrix &h)
virtual void GetScalingParameters (const SmartPtr< const VectorSpace > x_space, const SmartPtr< const VectorSpace > c_space, const SmartPtr< const VectorSpace > d_space, Number &obj_scaling, SmartPtr< Vector > &x_scaling, SmartPtr< Vector > &c_scaling, SmartPtr< Vector > &d_scaling) const
 Routines to get the scaling parameters.
Solution Reporting Methods
virtual void FinalizeSolution (SolverReturn status, const Vector &x, const Vector &z_L, const Vector &z_U, const Vector &c, const Vector &d, const Vector &y_c, const Vector &y_d, Number obj_value)
 This method is called at the very end of the optimization.
virtual bool IntermediateCallBack (AlgorithmMode mode, Index iter, Number obj_value, Number inf_pr, Number inf_du, Number mu, Number d_norm, Number regularization_size, Number alpha_du, Number alpha_pr, Index ls_trials, const IpoptData *ip_data, IpoptCalculatedQuantities *ip_cq)
 This method is called once per iteration, after the iteration summary output has been printed.

Static Public Member Functions

Methods for IpoptType
static void RegisterOptions (SmartPtr< RegisteredOptions > roptions)

Member Enumeration Documentation

Enum for treatment of fixed variables option.


Enum for specifying which derivative test is to be performed.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TNLPAdapter ( const SmartPtr< TNLP tnlp,
const SmartPtr< const Journalist jnlst = NULL 

Default constructor.

References ASSERT_EXCEPTION, and Ipopt::IsValid().

~TNLPAdapter (  )  [virtual]

Default destructor.

Member Function Documentation



bool ProcessOptions ( const OptionsList options,
const std::string &  prefix 
) [virtual]

Method for creating the derived vector / matrix types (Do not delete these, the ).

Reimplemented from NLP.

References ASSERT_EXCEPTION, DBG_START_METH, OptionsList::GetBoolValue(), OptionsList::GetEnumValue(), and OptionsList::GetNumericValue().

bool GetSpaces ( SmartPtr< const VectorSpace > &  x_space,
SmartPtr< const VectorSpace > &  c_space,
SmartPtr< const VectorSpace > &  d_space,
SmartPtr< const VectorSpace > &  x_l_space,
SmartPtr< const MatrixSpace > &  px_l_space,
SmartPtr< const VectorSpace > &  x_u_space,
SmartPtr< const MatrixSpace > &  px_u_space,
SmartPtr< const VectorSpace > &  d_l_space,
SmartPtr< const MatrixSpace > &  pd_l_space,
SmartPtr< const VectorSpace > &  d_u_space,
SmartPtr< const MatrixSpace > &  pd_u_space,
SmartPtr< const MatrixSpace > &  Jac_c_space,
SmartPtr< const MatrixSpace > &  Jac_d_space,
SmartPtr< const SymMatrixSpace > &  Hess_lagrangian_space 
) [virtual]

bool GetBoundsInformation ( const Matrix Px_L,
Vector x_L,
const Matrix Px_U,
Vector x_U,
const Matrix Pd_L,
Vector d_L,
const Matrix Pd_U,
Vector d_U 
) [virtual]

bool GetStartingPoint ( SmartPtr< Vector x,
bool  need_x,
SmartPtr< Vector y_c,
bool  need_y_c,
SmartPtr< Vector y_d,
bool  need_y_d,
SmartPtr< Vector z_L,
bool  need_z_L,
SmartPtr< Vector z_U,
bool  need_z_U 
) [virtual]

Method for obtaining the starting point for all the iterates.

Implements NLP.

References DBG_ASSERT, dx, Ipopt::GetRawPtr(), fkinkryx::i, Ipopt::IpBlasDcopy(), Ipopt::IsValid(), TNLPAdapter::MAKE_CONSTRAINT, and DenseVector::Values().

bool GetWarmStartIterate ( IteratesVector warm_start_iterate  )  [virtual]

Method for obtaining an entire iterate as a warmstart point.

The incoming IteratesVector has to be filled.

Reimplemented from NLP.

bool Eval_f ( const Vector x,
Number f 
) [virtual]

Implements NLP.

bool Eval_grad_f ( const Vector x,
Vector g_f 
) [virtual]

bool Eval_c ( const Vector x,
Vector c 
) [virtual]

bool Eval_jac_c ( const Vector x,
Matrix jac_c 
) [virtual]

bool Eval_d ( const Vector x,
Vector d 
) [virtual]

bool Eval_jac_d ( const Vector x,
Matrix jac_d 
) [virtual]

Implements NLP.

References DBG_ASSERT, fkinkryx::i, and GenTMatrix::Values().

bool Eval_h ( const Vector x,
Number  obj_factor,
const Vector yc,
const Vector yd,
SymMatrix h 
) [virtual]

void GetScalingParameters ( const SmartPtr< const VectorSpace x_space,
const SmartPtr< const VectorSpace c_space,
const SmartPtr< const VectorSpace d_space,
Number obj_scaling,
SmartPtr< Vector > &  x_scaling,
SmartPtr< Vector > &  c_scaling,
SmartPtr< Vector > &  d_scaling 
) const [virtual]

Routines to get the scaling parameters.

These do not need to be overloaded unless the options are set for User scaling

Reimplemented from NLP.

References DBG_ASSERT, Vector::Dim(), dx, Ipopt::GetRawPtr(), fkinkryx::i, Ipopt::IpBlasDcopy(), Ipopt::IsValid(), Ipopt::J_ERROR, Ipopt::J_INITIALIZATION, TNLPAdapter::MAKE_CONSTRAINT, THROW_EXCEPTION, and DenseVector::Values().

void FinalizeSolution ( SolverReturn  status,
const Vector x,
const Vector z_L,
const Vector z_U,
const Vector c,
const Vector d,
const Vector y_c,
const Vector y_d,
Number  obj_value 
) [virtual]

This method is called at the very end of the optimization.

It provides the final iterate to the user, so that it can be stored as the solution. The status flag indicates the outcome of the optimization, where SolverReturn is defined in IpAlgTypes.hpp.

Reimplemented from NLP.

References DBG_ASSERT, DBG_START_METH, Vector::Dim(), fkinkryx::i, DenseVector::IsHomogeneous(), TNLPAdapter::MAKE_CONSTRAINT, Ipopt::Max(), and DenseVector::Values().

bool IntermediateCallBack ( AlgorithmMode  mode,
Index  iter,
Number  obj_value,
Number  inf_pr,
Number  inf_du,
Number  mu,
Number  d_norm,
Number  regularization_size,
Number  alpha_du,
Number  alpha_pr,
Index  ls_trials,
const IpoptData ip_data,
IpoptCalculatedQuantities ip_cq 
) [virtual]

This method is called once per iteration, after the iteration summary output has been printed.

It provides the current information to the user to do with it anything she wants. It also allows the user to ask for a premature termination of the optimization by returning false, in which case Ipopt will terminate with a corresponding return status. The basic information provided in the argument list has the quantities values printed in the iteration summary line. If more information is required, a user can obtain it from the IpData and IpCalculatedQuantities objects. However, note that the provided quantities are all for the problem that Ipopt sees, i.e., the quantities might be scaled, fixed variables might be sorted out, etc. The status indicates things like whether the algorithm is in the restoration phase... In the restoration phase, the dual variables are probably not not changing.

Reimplemented from NLP.

void GetQuasiNewtonApproximationSpaces ( SmartPtr< VectorSpace > &  approx_space,
SmartPtr< Matrix > &  P_approx 
) [virtual]

Method returning information on quasi-Newton approximation.

Reimplemented from NLP.

References TNLP::FORTRAN_STYLE, fkinkryx::i, Ipopt::IsNull(), Ipopt::J_ERROR, Ipopt::J_INITIALIZATION, and THROW_EXCEPTION.

bool CheckDerivatives ( TNLPAdapter::DerivativeTestEnum  deriv_test  ) 

void RegisterOptions ( SmartPtr< RegisteredOptions roptions  )  [static]

SmartPtr<TNLP> tnlp (  )  const [inline]

Accessor method for the underlying TNLP.

Referenced by IpoptApplication::ReOptimizeTNLP().

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