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DeMers MS, Hicks JL, Delp SL. Preparatory co-activation of the ankle muscles may prevent ankle inversion injuries. Journal of Biomechanics. (accepted) (2016)

This paper identifies that planned co-activation of the ankle invertors and evertors may protect the ankle from rapid inversion injuries, while even the fastest stretch reflexes in these muscle are likely too slow.

License: Controller plugins source code, Get everything in one archive, Models

The study described in this publication used musculoskeletal simulations to compare the capacity of planned invertor/evertor co-activation versus stretch reflexes with physiologic delay to prevent ankle inversion injuries. To achieve this, developed a novel model, muscle stretch controllers, and muscle reflex controllers for simulating landing in OpenSim. By freely providing the models, software plugins defining the controllers, and the resulting simulations, we hope to enable others to answer questions about landing control and injuries using simulations.

All models, data, and simulation results are provided in the downloads area of this project.

For software and sourcecode defining the novel stretch feedback controller and stretch reflex controller, see the related repository on GitHub.



Provides models, software plugins, and source code for simulating human landing with stretch controllers and reflex controllers to reproduce the findings of this publications. It also provides the simulation results as a launching point for future analyses.

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