
Model of the wrist available for download along with accompanying publications.

License: Wrist Model

The project holds all the files necessary for a SIMM-based musculoskeletal model of the human wrist which can also be easily imported and used in OpenSIM. In order to respect the time and effort put in by the original developers please carefully read accompanying publications and cite appropriate references in future work. The links to the left contain all the files (Downloads) and documentation (Documents) related to the model.

Please cite the following paper:
Gonzalez, R. V., Buchanan, T. S., Delp, S. L. How muscle architecture and moment arms affect wrist flexion-extension moments, Journal of Biomechanics Vol. 30, pp. 705-712, 1997.

About the model:
Originally created by Delp and Gonzalez to investigate motion of the wrist and gain insight into surgical procedures this model consists of all of the bones of the arm and 10 degrees of freedom. Pronation-supination, flexion-extension, and ulnar-radial deviation are all included within the model as well as degrees of freedom for the elbow, thumb, and index finger. A total of 23 muscle actuators control motion.
