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bone-deformation MATLAB tool
This MATLAB package is a bone-deformation tool that can be used to modify the musculoskeletal anatomy of OpenSim models by applying any linear rotational/torsional profile to a selected bone. Please refer to the GitHub link on the main page for the source-versioned repository related to this tool.
Stable v0.2 (paper version)
Feb 23, 2021

this is the latest version of the MATLAB bone deformation tool usable to personalise generic OpenSim models in OpenSim 4.x (still compatible with OpenSim 3.3). See also https://github.com/modenaxe/msk-bone-deformation.Notes  View License

Download Links

Jul 06, 2021
4 MB

Jul 14, 2021
1 MB

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publication repropack
These scripts and materials allows the user to generate and reproduce all models, results and figures of the manuscript associated with this project.
repro-pack (accepted paper)
Feb 23, 2021

materials and scripts used for generating models and results of the preprint (see publication section).Notes  View License

Download Links

Jul 06, 2021
49 MB
Source code
this package allows reproduction of the results and figures of the associated publication
