We provide a set of 12 models for two subjects: one 49 y.o. female with no radiographic signs of disease, and one 59 y.o. female with signs of early degeneration. Three complete L1-5 models are provided for the 49 y.o. geometry, corresponding to the three meshing schemes presented in the aforementioned publication. Additionally, a hybrid L1-5 model, i.e. combination of hexahedral and linear tetrahedral elements, is provided for the 59 y.o geometry. Lastly, a set of four hybrid FSUs, ranging from L1-2 to L4-5, were provided for both subjects. All of these models are provided as FEBio input files (.feb) and can be imported into PreView for visualization and editing purposes. The output log files are also provided for each corresponding input file, in order to explore convergence and runtime behavior of the models.
Model 1 (49 y.o., F)
Seven models are provided in this package: three whole L1-5 models (one for each meshing scheme), and four hybrid FSU models.
Jan 19, 2018

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Jan 19, 2018
21 MB

Model 2 (59 y.o., F)
Five models are provided in this package: one whole L1-5 hybrid model, and four hybrid FSU models.
Jan 19, 2018

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Jan 19, 2018
7 MB
