The download includes the ARMS Lab dynamic musculoskeletal model of the human hand and wrist, implemented in OpenSIM. We include tutorials to perform simulations of maximal grip strength, maximal pinch strength, active hand opening, and passive hand opening with this model. View License
Previous Releases
This download includes a version of the model and tutorial that is compatible with OpenSim 3.3. There is an issue with the visualizer displaying some results in OpenSim 4.3 (see note in Readme –Loading and using the ARMS Lab model) that does not occur in OpenSim 3.3. The OpenSim 4.3 model is not backwards compatible, so we have included the 3.3 version of model and tutorials to allow users to work in OpenSim 3.3 to avoid this issue. Simulation results for the tutorial are exactly the same between OpenSim 3.3 and 4.3 View License