2D Treadmill Gait
We modified the example2DWalking musculoskeletal model and MATLAB code to track and predict treadmill gait at slow, comfortable, and fast belt speed. This download includes: (i) Model files (.osim) - note the treadmill speed is defined in the model so the model files are different for each speed condition, so there are 3 different model files (ii) Reference coordinates data for tracking problems (.sto), (iii) One MATLAB script to track & predict treadmill gait (.m)- note: this script asks the user to select their model file from the current folder, so just be sure to select the desired speed condition (iv) Solutions generated from tracking & predictive problems for all three belt speed conditions
2D Treadmill Gait model and simulation framework
Jan 28, 2023

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Jan 28, 2023
2 MB

Block Model and Simulation
We created a simple model of a block on a treadmill to understand how to develop a framework to track and predict motion between a moving platform and a body moving relative to it. We simulated the block falling, rotating, and translating to mimic heel strike, heel rocker, and translation of the foot posteriorly with respect to the treadmill. This download includes: (i) Model files (.osim) - note model file is the same for the translation & falling simulations, but slightly different for rotation, so there are 2 different model files (ii) Manually generated reference coordinates data (.sto) for each tracking problem (iii) MATLAB scripts (.m) written to track & predict each block motion
Jun 20, 2022


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Jun 20, 2022
99 KB
