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2010-08-16 01:55
Submitted by:
Teague Sterling (teague)
Assigned to:
Mike Wong (mikewong899)
FEATURE results comparison in tests uses too much memory on large files

Detailed description
The Feature_Vector class uses large amounts of memory causing "out of memory" errors on some systems. As this is used heavily in validating results in regession testing, when this error occurs the whole test fails even when the results are in agreement.

On both koomgang and my home system the test for 1GYT --- one of the largest PDB files --- fails randomly on occasion. This appears to be from an out of memory error in perl. When comparing the resulting feature files in diff, they appear identical. This is causing misleading and incorrect results from the regression test.

For large pdb files (approx 50,000+ lines) the feature file diff takes over 4GB of memory. If this is not available the test will crash. This is then interpreted by the test harness as a failure.

Recommending running an initial "coarse" line-by-line diff to check results and only if they are not exaxtly matching should we use feature_vector to check within tolerances. Additionally, feature_vector could free memory of lines as it processes them to reduce its footprint.

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Message  ↓
Date: 2010-08-18 16:39
Sender: Mike Wong

Implemented a workaround where the fine-tuned diff is checked only when the standard UNIX diff utility finds differences.

Field Old Value Date By
status_idOpen2010-08-18 16:39mikewong899
close_date2010-08-18 16:392010-08-18 16:39mikewong899
assigned_tonone2010-08-18 16:39mikewong899