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2010-08-18 16:54
Submitted by:
Teague Sterling (teague)
Assigned to:
Teague Sterling (teague)
Memory is not freed after parsing a PDB file

Detailed description
Featurize does not release it's atom or protein objects from memory after parsing a point file. This results huge memory usage in point files spanning multiple of PDBs as all atoms are retained in (and lost from) memory. The memory usage can be high enough to cause the system to crash from memory allocation failures resulting in no results being produced.

Recommended fix: Aggressive and comprehensive freeing of memory once it is no longer in use as well as profiling to search for possible leaks.

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Message  ↓
Date: 2010-10-18 23:24
Sender: Teague Sterling

Revisions 771 and 775 fix a lot of outstanding memory issues
in featurize. In negative smoke tests, memory loss has
dropped from approx 190MB to around 10KB. A lot of this
"loss" is coming from static function variables that are
dynamically allocated, resulting in memory never being
explicitly freed, but that does not ever really grow with
respect to runtime.

Marking this bug closed, but further minor patches may

Date: 2010-09-23 02:23
Sender: Teague Sterling

Revision 740 should address some of these issues. Further
testing need to make sure it handles a good majority of
related leaks.

Field Old Value Date By
status_idOpen2010-10-18 23:24teague
close_date2010-10-18 23:242010-10-18 23:24teague
resolution_id1002010-08-18 16:54teague
assigned_tonone2010-08-18 16:54teague