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2009-10-28 00:33
Submitted by:
Jeanette Schmidt (jeanette)
Assigned to:
Christopher Bruns (cmbruns)
A few findings in the new 0.9.4 Beta release

Detailed description
1) If you try to load a cpt and the "expected" directory defined by the path given in "output folder/molecule name" does not exist you get an error

2) On a MacBookPro, You start a simulation after a previous one ended or was cancelled and you do this without killing Zephyr but by going back to earlier tabs -- (with same or different molecule).
Then if you had "turned off" VMD on the previous simulation and now turn it on -- the VMD connection is not properly established. It will load the first frame into VMD and then continue the simulation without loading any additional frames. This will remain this way for any subsequent simulation done without quitting Zephyr.

3) None of the advanced parameters appear o be "linked" to the "Zephyr temperature parameter" .

4) On a MacBookPro, one cannot launch 2 "Zephyrs" -- this may be by design -- just an observation.

5) Normally when restarting Gromacs from the command line using a cpt file the "normal way" is to re-use the .tpr file from the stopped or crashed run. This results in re-using the same parameters. In Zephyr the default behavior is for these parameters to be overwritten with the initial (default) parameter values of Zephyr, if Zephyr is restarted.
I think when loading a cpt file one has to be able to optionally also load a tpr file. Ideally the Zephyr parameter screen would display the parameters in that tpr file -- giving the user the option to change them if they wish to do so.

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Date: 2009-11-03 18:01
Sender: Christopher Bruns

Issue 2) now has it's own issue number, #965, and has been fixed.

Date: 2009-11-03 16:30
Sender: Christopher Bruns

Issue 3), temperature linking, fixed and closed as issue #963.

Date: 2009-11-02 21:55
Sender: Jeanette Schmidt

Another issue came up in another test run:
6) When VMD crashes (it did that in one of my runs-- not sure why) Zephyr stops immediately, it would be nice if the simulation would continue after VMD crashes or is stopped.
7) In the above scenario the simulation terminated and the message "simulation complete" 1000 picoseconds simulated (of 1000 total) appeared.
Even if the simulation was really terminated earlier (say after 30 picoseconds) because VMD crashed or was otherwise terminated.

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