2021-12-18 14:55
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Static Optimization gives 0 for rectus femoris

Detailed description

I am trying to analyze muscle forces in a leg press! I am using the Catelli_high_hip_flexion_V4.0 model because it was most suitable from my point of view with the wide range of joint angles. For my first few attempts I simply added a footplate to the model. The plate is connected with a WeldConstraint to the left calcaneus.
I generated with Matlab a motion file. Because I am starting with a static analysis, the angles remain constant throughout the whole file. Next, I generated a force file with Matlab. With those two files, I run a static optimization analysis. The force is applied to the footplate.
The results for the muscle force looks pretty realistic to me. One issue I came across is that the results for the recfem_l & recfem_r is 0. Do you have any idea what the problem might be? Attached to this message, you can find the motion file, force file and the model. Any support would be greatly appreciated.
Have a great day, Nicolas

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Size Name Date By Download
32 KiBcatelliAngleNP.mot2021-12-18 14:55NonecatelliAngleNP.mot
880 KiBlegPressModelNoPress.osim2021-12-18 14:55NonelegPressModelNoPress.osim
8 KiBcatelliForceNPSin.mot2021-12-18 14:55NonecatelliForceNPSin.mot
Field Old Value Date By
File Added770: catelliAngleNP.mot2021-12-18 14:55None
File Added771: legPressModelNoPress.osim2021-12-18 14:55None
File Added772: catelliForceNPSin.mot2021-12-18 14:55None