Provide an easy to use Matlab GUI in which to extract c3d files into an OpenSim compatible format
This project utilises Matlab and the Biomechanical ToolKit (btk) to provide an easy to use GUI that extracts motion capture and force plate data from a C3D file and outputs OpenSim compatible files.
This toolbox combines two extraction toolboxes created by Tim Dorn and Glen Lichtwark. For an in-depth description of some of the functions used in this toolbox and to download unmodified versions of these toolboxes, please follow the links below,
Tim’s toolbox:
Glen’s toolbox:
Main features include:
Easy to use graphical user interface to extract c3d files to OpenSim compatible files
Works for any laboratory setup (marker set and/or force plates)
Force stitching function that stitches together two force plate strikes
Automatically creates OpenSim tool setup files
Note that this toolbox requires the Biomechanical ToolKit (btk) available at Also requires Matlab 2012b or greater (32-bit/64-bit).