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Provide an easy to use Matlab GUI in which to extract c3d files into an OpenSim compatible format

License: c3d2opensimTools

This project utilises Matlab and the Biomechanical ToolKit (btk) to provide an easy to use GUI that extracts motion capture and force plate data from a C3D file and outputs OpenSim compatible files.

This toolbox combines two extraction toolboxes created by Tim Dorn and Glen Lichtwark. For an in-depth description of some of the functions used in this toolbox and to download unmodified versions of these toolboxes, please follow the links below,

Tim’s toolbox: https://simtk.org/home/c3dtoolbox/
Glen’s toolbox: https://simtk.org/home/matlab_tools.

Main features include:
Easy to use graphical user interface to extract c3d files to OpenSim compatible files
Works for any laboratory setup (marker set and/or force plates)
Force stitching function that stitches together two force plate strikes
Automatically creates OpenSim tool setup files

Note that this toolbox requires the Biomechanical ToolKit (btk) available at https://code.google.com/p/b-tk/. Also requires Matlab 2012b or greater (32-bit/64-bit).
