Trending Projects
SimVascular: Cardiovascular Modeling and Simulation
Provides a platform for patient-specificcardiovascular modeling and simulation.
Downloads last week: 171
Forum posts last week: 25
Total followers: 80
Total downloads: 51,571
Articulated Kinematic Model of the Thoracic and Lumbar Spine
Development of an articulated lumbar and thoracicspine model suitable for kinematic analysis. The
model uses the lumbar model by Christophy et
al as a base, but has added custom joints to the
thoracic spine segments. Christophy’s model has
been modif
New followers: 1
Development of a Hybrid Model to Simulate Afferent and Efferent Fiber Interactio
Epidural electrical stimulation (EES) has emergedas a promising therapeutic approach for restoring
motor function in patients with spinal cord injury
(SCI). However, the underlying mechanisms of how
EES affects afferent and efferent fiber
interactions re
Forum posts last week: 1
this project will analyze lunges that werecaptured in opencap software. we are using this
software specifically to see the linear kinematics
of lunges.
Forum posts last week: 1
Whole-Cell Computational Model of Mycoplasma genitalium
This project provides all code and data for thefirst "whole-cell" model of the entire life cycle
of a living organism, Mycoplasma
Downloads last week: 2,792
Total downloads: 307,384
OpenMM includes everything one needs to run modernmolecular simulations. It is extremely flexible
with its custom functions, is open-source, and has
high performance, especially on recent GPUs.
Downloads last week: 4,224
Total followers: 66
Total downloads: 859,226
Snorkel is an open-source system that generatestraining data for information extraction systems,
also known as predictive systems.
Downloads last week: 102
Total downloads: 47,955
Reproducibility in simulation-based prediction of natural knee mechanics
This project aims for understanding the influenceof modelers’ approaches and decisions
(essentially their art) throughout the lifecycle
of modeling and simulation. It will demonstrate
the uncertainty of delivering consistent
simulation predictions when the founding data to
feed into models remain the same. The project site
also aims to be a hub to provide an overview of
resources for modeling & simulation of the knee
joint. Funding is provided by the National
Institute of Biomedical Imaging and
Bioengineering, National Institutes of Health
(Grant No. R01EB024573).
Downloads last week: 144
Total downloads: 28,752
Musculoskeletal Model of the Lumbar Spine
Make publicly available a musculoskeletal model ofthe lumbar spine to be used for modeling lumbar
spine kinematics as well as for further
improvement by the biomechanics community.
Downloads last week: 43
Total downloads: 15,732
Open Knee(s): Virtual Biomechanical Representations of the Knee Joint
Open Knee(s) goals have been to provide freeaccess to three-dimensional finite element
representations of the knee joint and promote open
development of knee models for collaborative
testing and use. <B>Definitive Guide to
Project and Its Outcomes</B> Open Knee(s): A
Free and Open Source Library of Specimen-Specific
Models and Related Digital Assets for Finite
Element Analysis of the Knee Joint. Chokhandre S,
Schwartz A, Klonowski E, Landis B, Erdemir A. Ann
Biomed Eng. 2023 Jan;51(1):10-23. (<A
074-0</A>) <B>Definitive Guide to
Open Knee(s) Data</B> Specimen specific
imaging and joint mechanical testing data for next
generation virtual knees. Chokhandre S, Neumann
EE, Nagle TF, Colbrunn RW, Flask CA, Colak C,
Halloran J, Erdemir A. Data Brief. 2021 Jan
30;35:106824. (<A
824</A>) <B>Database of Open
Knee(s) Models</B> Under Downloads ->
Data Share -> View -> OKS_models and at
<B>Database of Open Knee(s)
Data</B> Growing version under Downloads
-> Data Share -> View -> Open Knees Data;
permanent static version at (<A
Downloads last week: 361
Total followers: 47
Total downloads: 150,535
Practical Annotation and Exchange of Virtual Anatomy
This site serves for dissemination of aeva and itsuse cases. aeva is a free and open source software
for annotation and exchange of virtual anatomy.
The use cases drive design and testing of aeva
features and demonstrate various workflows that
rely on virtual anatomy.
Downloads last week: 46
Total downloads: 10,956
Personalised scoliotic spine models
This project is a codified workflow to createpersonalised OpenSim models of the scoliotic spine
from a set of virtually palpated landmarks. The
project provides a simplified model of the spine
(adapted from Bruno et al (2017)), that includes
6DoF at each
Forum posts last week: 1
OpenGRF: free OpenSim API tool for Ground Reaction Forces prediction
OpenGRF is a free OpenSim tool built on the MATLABAPI, designed to predict ground reaction forces
(GRFs). The tool accepts as input a scaled or
subject-specific musculoskeletal (MSK) model
(.osim) and a kinematics file (.mot) containing
the generalized c
Forum posts last week: 2
MeLLO Data Library
This is a data library including motion capture,load cell force/torque data, and IMU acceleration
New download files: 1
Matlab-Opensim Interfaces
Provides tools for using different aspects ofOpensim within the Matlab environment, including
command line pipelines as well as accessing the
Opensim API directly. The main functionality
has now been included as part of Opensim 3.0 with
improved functionality (and will become more
obsolete with Opensim 4.0). Please see the
developer wiki for more information. Therefore
this is being kept only as an archive, and users
should see the documentation on interfacing Matlab
with Opensim on the Opensim website
/OpenSim/Scripting+with+Matlab). As such the
forums etc will not be monitored.
Total followers: 27
By Category
Biological applications