Public Member Functions |
| PropertyTransform () |
| PropertyTransform (const std::string &aName, const SimTK::Transform &aTransform) |
| PropertyTransform (const std::string &aName, const Array< double > &aArray) |
| PropertyTransform (const PropertyTransform &aProperty) |
PropertyTransform * | clone () const |
| Return a new instance of this concrete property object, containing new copies of this property's values.
PropertyTransform & | operator= (const PropertyTransform &aProperty) |
virtual std::string | getTypeName () const override |
| This returns a string representation of this property's value type which will be the same as T::getClassName() for Object-derived types T, and some reasonably nice name for simple types, including at least "bool", "int", "double", "string", "Vec3", "Vector", and "Transform".
virtual void | setValue (const SimTK::Transform &aTransform) |
virtual SimTK::Transform & | getValueTransform () |
virtual const SimTK::Transform & | getValueTransform () const |
virtual void | setValue (int aSize, const double aArray[]) |
void | getRotationsAndTranslationsAsArray6 (double aArray[]) const |
virtual void | setValue (const Array< double > &aArray) |
virtual std::string | toString () const |
| For relatively simple types, return the current value of this property in a string suitable for displaying to a user in the GUI.
| PropertyDblArray () |
| PropertyDblArray (const std::string &aName, const Array< double > &aArray) |
| PropertyDblArray (const std::string &aName, int aSize, const double aArray[]) |
| PropertyDblArray (const PropertyDblArray &aProperty) |
bool | isArrayProperty () const override |
| Return true if this is an array property.
int | getNumValues () const override |
| How may values are currently stored in this property? If this is an object property you can use this with getValueAsObject() to iterate over the contained objects.
PropertyDblArray & | operator= (const PropertyDblArray &aProperty) |
virtual Array< double > & | getValueDblArray () |
virtual const Array< double > & | getValueDblArray () const |
virtual int | getArraySize () const |
virtual void | clearValues () override |
| If the concrete property allows it, clear the value list.
| Property_Deprecated () |
| Property_Deprecated (PropertyType aType, const std::string &aName) |
| Property_Deprecated (const Property_Deprecated &aProperty) |
virtual PropertyType | getPropertyType () const |
| Return the enum value corresponding to the concrete property.
void | setMatchName (bool aMatchName) |
| By default deprecated PropertyObj properties will ignore the name associated with the read-in object.
bool | getMatchName () const |
| Return the value of the matchName flag for this (deprecated) property.
bool | isEqualTo (const AbstractProperty &other) const override |
| The base class equals() method will have already done a lot of checking prior to calling this method, including verifying that both values are non-default and that the value lists are the same size; the concrete property need only compare the values.
virtual void | readFromXMLElement (SimTK::Xml::Element &propertyElement, int versionNumber) override |
| Read in a new value for this property from the XML element propertyElement.
virtual void | writeToXMLElement (SimTK::Xml::Element &propertyElement) const override |
| Output a serialized representation of this property by writing its value to the given XML property element.
virtual bool | isUnnamedProperty () const override |
| An unnamed property is a one-object property whose name was given as null or as the contained object's type tag.
virtual bool | isObjectProperty () const override |
| Return true if this is an "object property", meaning that its values are all concrete objects of types that ultimately derive from the OpenSim serializable base class Object.
virtual bool | isAcceptableObjectTag (const std::string &objectTypeTag) const override |
| Return true if the given string is the XML tag name for one of the Object-derived types that is allowed by this property.
virtual const Object & | getValueAsObject (int index=-1) const override |
| For an object property, the values can be obtained as references to the abstract base class Object from which all the objects derive.
virtual Object & | updValueAsObject (int index=-1) override |
| Get writable access to an existing object value.
virtual void | setValueAsObject (const Object &obj, int index=-1) override |
| Set the indicated value element to a new copy of the supplied object.
void | setNull () |
Property_Deprecated & | operator= (const Property_Deprecated &aProperty) |
virtual bool | operator== (const Property_Deprecated &aProperty) const |
virtual bool | operator< (const Property_Deprecated &aProperty) const |
void | setType (PropertyType aType) |
PropertyType | getType () const |
virtual void | setValue (bool aValue) |
virtual bool & | getValueBool () |
virtual const bool & | getValueBool () const |
virtual void | setValue (int aValue) |
virtual int & | getValueInt () |
virtual const int & | getValueInt () const |
virtual void | setValue (double aValue) |
virtual double & | getValueDbl () |
virtual const double & | getValueDbl () const |
virtual void | setValue (const std::string &aValue) |
virtual std::string & | getValueStr () |
virtual const std::string & | getValueStr () const |
virtual void | setValue (int aSize, const bool aArray[]) |
virtual void | setValue (const Array< bool > &aArray) |
virtual Array< bool > & | getValueBoolArray () |
virtual const Array< bool > & | getValueBoolArray () const |
virtual void | setValue (int aSize, const int aArray[]) |
virtual void | setValue (const Array< int > &aArray) |
virtual Array< int > & | getValueIntArray () |
virtual const Array< int > & | getValueIntArray () const |
virtual void | setValue (int aSize, const std::string aArray[]) |
virtual void | setValue (const Array< std::string > &aArray) |
virtual Array< std::string > & | getValueStrArray () |
virtual const Array
< std::string > & | getValueStrArray () const |
virtual bool | isValidObject (const Object *aValue) const |
virtual Object & | getValueObj () |
virtual const Object & | getValueObj () const |
virtual void | setValue (Object *aValue) |
virtual Object * | getValueObjPtr () |
virtual Object * | getValueObjPtr (int index) |
virtual void | appendValue (Object *obj) |
virtual void | clearObjArray () |
template<class T > |
T & | getValue () |
template<class T > |
const T & | getValue () const |
template<class T > |
Array< T > & | getValueArray () |
template<class T > |
const Array< T > & | getValueArray () const |
void | setAllowableListSize (int aMin, int aMax) |
| Require that the number of values n in the value list of this property be in the range aMin <= n <= aMax.
void | setAllowableListSize (int aNum) |
| Require that the number of values n in the value list of this property be exactly n=aNum values.
virtual | ~AbstractProperty () |
| Return all heap space used by this property.
bool | equals (const AbstractProperty &other) const |
| Compare this property with another one; this is primarily used for testing.
bool | isSamePropertyClass (const AbstractProperty &other) const |
| Return true if the other property is an object of exactly the same concrete class as this one.
bool | operator== (const AbstractProperty &other) const |
| See the equals() method for the meaning of this operator.
void | setAllPropertiesUseDefault (bool shouldUseDefault) |
| This method sets the "use default" flag for this property and the properties of any objects it contains to the given value.
void | readFromXMLParentElement (SimTK::Xml::Element &parent, int versionNumber) |
| Given an XML parent element expected to contain a value for this property as an immediate child element, find that property element and set the property value from it.
void | writeToXMLParentElement (SimTK::Xml::Element &parent) |
| Given an XML parent element, append a single child element representing the serialized form of this property.
void | setName (const std::string &name) |
| Set the property name.
void | setComment (const std::string &aComment) |
| Set a user-friendly comment to be associated with property.
void | setValueIsDefault (bool isDefault) |
| Set flag indicating whether the value of this property was simply taken from a default object and thus should not be written out when serializing.
const std::string & | getName () const |
| Get the property name.
const std::string & | getComment () const |
| Get the comment associated with this property.
bool | getValueIsDefault () const |
| Get the flag indicating whether the current value is just the default value for this property (in which case it doesn't need to be written out).
int | getMinListSize () const |
| Get the minimum number of values allowed in this property's value list.
int | getMaxListSize () const |
| Get the maximum number of values allowed in this property's value list.
bool | isOptionalProperty () const |
| This is an "optional" property if its value list can contain at most one value.
bool | isListProperty () const |
| This is a "list" property if its value list can contain more than one value.
bool | isOneValueProperty () const |
| This is a "one-value" property if its value list must always contain exactly one value.
bool | isOneObjectProperty () const |
| This is a "one-object" property if it is a "one-value" property and it contains an Object-derived value.
int | size () const |
| Return the number of values currently in this property's value list.
bool | empty () const |
| Return true if this property's value list is currently empty.
void | clear () |
| Empty the value list for this property; fails if zero is not an allowable size for this property.
template<class T > |
const T & | getValue (int index=-1) const |
| Return one of the values in this property as type T; this works only if the underlying concrete property stores type T and if the indexed element is present, otherwise throws an exception.
template<class T > |
T & | updValue (int index=-1) |
| Return a writable reference to one of the values in this property as type T; this works only if the underlying concrete property is actually of type T and the indexed element is present.
template<class T > |
int | appendValue (const T &value) |
| Append a new value of type T to the end of the list of values currently contained in this property.