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OpenSim::ControlLinear Class Reference

A class that represents a piece-wise linear control curve. More...

#include <ControlLinear.h>

Inheritance diagram for OpenSim::ControlLinear:
OpenSim::Control OpenSim::Object

Public Member Functions

 ControlLinear ()
 ControlLinear (const ControlLinear &aControl)
virtual ~ControlLinear ()
void copyData (const ControlLinear &aControl)
 Copy the member variables of the specified ControlLinear over to this ControlLinear. More...
ControlLinearoperator= (const ControlLinear &aControl)
void setUseSteps (bool aTrueFalse)
 Sets whether or not step functions are used between control nodes or linear interpolation. More...
bool getUseSteps () const
void setKp (double aKp)
 Sets the position gain for PD follower filter. More...
double getKp () const
void setKv (double aKv)
 Sets the velocity gain for PD follower filter. More...
double getKv () const
virtual int getNumParameters () const
 Returns the number of parameters that are used to specify the control curve. More...
virtual void setParameterMin (int aI, double aMin)
 Sets the minimum value that a control parameter can take on. More...
virtual double getParameterMin (int aI) const
virtual void setParameterMax (int aI, double aMax)
 Set the maximum value that a control parameter can take on. More...
virtual double getParameterMax (int aI) const
virtual double getParameterTime (int aI) const
 Get the time at which a parameter (control curve value) is specified. More...
virtual void getParameterNeighborhood (int aI, double &rTLower, double &rTUpper) const
virtual int getParameterList (double aT, Array< int > &rList)
virtual int getParameterList (double aT1, double aT2, Array< int > &rList)
 Gets the list of parameters that affect the control curve between two specified times and that do NOT affect the control curve below the lower of these two times. More...
virtual void setParameterValue (int aI, double aP)
virtual double getParameterValue (int aI) const
virtual void setControlValue (double aT, double aX)
 This method adds a set of control parameters at the specified time unless the specified time equals the time of an existing ControlLinearNode, in which case the parameters of that control node are changed. More...
virtual double getControlValue (double aT)
 Gets the value of this control at time aT. More...
virtual double getControlValueMin (double aT=0.0)
 Gets the minimum allowed value of this control at time aT. More...
virtual void setControlValueMin (double aT, double aX)
 This method adds a set of control parameters at the specified time unless the specified time equals the time of an existing control node, in which case the parameters of that control node are changed. More...
virtual double getControlValueMax (double aT=0.0)
 Gets the maximum allowed value of this control at time aT. More...
virtual void setControlValueMax (double aT, double aX)
 This method adds a set of control parameters at the specified time unless the specified time equals the time of an existing control node, in which case the parameters of that control node are changed. More...
void clearControlNodes ()
ArrayPtrs< ControlLinearNode > & getControlValues ()
ArrayPtrs< ControlLinearNode > & getControlMinValues ()
ArrayPtrs< ControlLinearNode > & getControlMaxValues ()
void insertNewValueNode (int index, const ControlLinearNode &newNode)
 Called from GUI to work around early garbage collection. More...
void insertNewMinNode (int index, const ControlLinearNode &newNode)
 Called from GUI to work around early garbage collection. More...
void insertNewMaxNode (int index, const ControlLinearNode &newNode)
 Called from GUI to work around early garbage collection. More...
virtual const double getFirstTime () const
 The time corresponding to the first ControlLinearNode. More...
virtual const double getLastTime () const
 The time corresponding to the last ControlLinearNode. More...
virtual void simplify (const PropertySet &aProperties)
 The number of control nodes is reduced by first applying a lowpass filter to the sequence of control nodes using a specified cutoff frequency and then removing nodes that keep the curve within a specified distance to the low-pass filtered curve. More...
bool simplify (const double &cutoffFrequency, const double &distance)
 Another interface to simplify that: (1) does not require properties, and (2) returns bool on failure for a more graceful batch simplification. More...
virtual void filter (double aT)
 Filter the control curve at a particular time using a PD follower filter. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from OpenSim::Control
 Control (const char *aName="UNKNOWN")
 Control (const Control &aControl)
virtual ~Control ()
Controloperator= (const Control &aControl)
void setIsModelControl (bool aTrueFalse)
 Sets whether or not this control is a model control. More...
bool getIsModelControl () const
void setExtrapolate (bool aTrueFalse)
 Sets whether or not to extrapolate for control curve evaluations that are outide the region of confidence for a control. More...
bool getExtrapolate () const
void setFilterOn (bool aTrueFalse)
 Sets whether or not to apply a PD (proportional-derivative) filter to the control values. More...
bool getFilterOn () const
void setDefaultParameterMin (double aMin)
 Sets the default minimum value of a control parameter. More...
double getDefaultParameterMin () const
void setDefaultParameterMax (double aMax)
 Sets the default maximum value of a control parameter. More...
double getDefaultParameterMax () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from OpenSim::Object
virtual ~Object ()
 Virtual destructor for cleanup. More...
virtual Objectclone () const =0
 Create a new heap-allocated copy of the concrete object to which this Object refers. More...
virtual const std::string & getConcreteClassName () const =0
 Returns the class name of the concrete Object-derived class of the actual object referenced by this Object, as a string. More...
virtual const VisibleObjectgetDisplayer () const
 Methods to support making the object displayable in the GUI or Visualizer Implemented only in few objects. More...
virtual VisibleObjectupdDisplayer ()
 get Non const pointer to VisibleObject More...
bool isEqualTo (const Object &aObject) const
 Equality operator wrapper for use from languages not supporting operator overloading. More...
Objectoperator= (const Object &aObject)
 Copy assignment copies he base class fields, including the properties. More...
virtual bool operator== (const Object &aObject) const
 Determine if two objects are equal. More...
virtual bool operator< (const Object &aObject) const
 Provide an ordering for objects so they can be put in sorted containers. More...
void setName (const std::string &name)
 Set the name of the Object. More...
const std::string & getName () const
 Get the name of this Object. More...
void setDescription (const std::string &description)
 Set description, a one-liner summary. More...
const std::string & getDescription () const
 Get description, a one-liner summary. More...
const std::string & getAuthors () const
 Get Authors of this Object. More...
void setAuthors (const std::string &authors)
 Set Authors of this object, call this method in your constructor if needed. More...
const std::string & getReferences () const
 Get references or publications to cite if using this object. More...
void setReferences (const std::string &references)
 Set references or publications to cite if using this object. More...
int getNumProperties () const
 Determine how many properties are stored with this Object. More...
const AbstractPropertygetPropertyByIndex (int propertyIndex) const
 Get a const reference to a property by its index number, returned as an AbstractProperty. More...
AbstractPropertyupdPropertyByIndex (int propertyIndex)
 Get a writable reference to a property by its index number, returned as an AbstractProperty. More...
bool hasProperty (const std::string &name) const
 Return true if this Object has a property of any type with the given name, which must not be empty. More...
const AbstractPropertygetPropertyByName (const std::string &name) const
 Get a const reference to a property by its name, returned as an AbstractProperty. More...
AbstractPropertyupdPropertyByName (const std::string &name)
 Get a writable reference to a property by its name, returned as an AbstractProperty. More...
template<class T >
bool hasProperty () const
 Return true if this Object contains an unnamed, one-object property that contains objects of the given template type T. More...
template<class T >
const Property< T > & getProperty (const PropertyIndex &index) const
 Get property of known type Property<T> as a const reference; the property must be present and have the right type. More...
template<class T >
Property< T > & updProperty (const PropertyIndex &index)
 Get property of known type Property<T> as a writable reference; the property must be present and have the right type. More...
void setObjectIsUpToDateWithProperties ()
 When an object is initialized using the current values of its properties, it can set a flag indicating that it is up to date. More...
bool isObjectUpToDateWithProperties () const
 Returns true if no property's value has changed since the last time setObjectIsUpToDateWithProperties() was called. More...
void readObjectFromXMLNodeOrFile (SimTK::Xml::Element &objectElement, int versionNumber)
 We're given an XML element from which we are to populate this Object. More...
virtual void updateFromXMLNode (SimTK::Xml::Element &objectElement, int versionNumber)
 Use this method to deserialize an object from a SimTK::Xml::Element. More...
virtual void updateXMLNode (SimTK::Xml::Element &parent)
 Serialize this object into the XML node that represents it. More...
bool getInlined () const
 Inlined means an in-memory Object that is not associated with an XMLDocument. More...
void setInlined (bool aInlined, const std::string &aFileName="")
 Mark this as inlined or not and optionally provide a file name to associate with the new XMLDocument for the non-inline case. More...
std::string getDocumentFileName () const
 If there is a document associated with this object then return the file name maintained by the document. More...
void setAllPropertiesUseDefault (bool aUseDefault)
bool print (const std::string &fileName)
 Write this Object into an XML file of the given name; conventionally the suffix to use is ".osim". More...
std::string dump (bool dumpName=false)
 dump the XML representation of this Object into an std::string and return it. More...
void clearObjectIsUpToDateWithProperties ()
 For testing or debugging purposes, manually clear the "object is up to date with respect to properties" flag. More...
virtual bool isA (const char *type) const
 The default implementation returns true only if the supplied string is "Object"; each Object-derived class overrides this to match its own class name. More...
const std::string & toString () const
 Wrapper to be used on Java side to display objects in tree; this returns just the object's name. More...
PropertySetgetPropertySet ()
 OBSOLETE: Get a reference to the PropertySet maintained by the Object. More...
const PropertySetgetPropertySet () const

Static Public Member Functions

static double Interpolate (double aX1, double aY1, double aX2, double aY2, double aX)
 Linearly interpolate or extrapolate given two points. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void setupProperties ()
 Connect properties to local pointers. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from OpenSim::Control
void copyData (const Control &aControl)
 Copy the member variables of the specified Control over to this Control instance. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from OpenSim::Object
 Object ()
 The default constructor is only for use by constructors of derived types. More...
 Object (const std::string &fileName, bool aUpdateFromXMLNode=true) SWIG_DECLARE_EXCEPTION
 Constructor from a file, to be called from other constructors that take a file as input. More...
 Object (const Object &source)
 Copy constructor is invoked automatically by derived classes with default copy constructors; otherwise it must be invoked explicitly. More...
 Object (SimTK::Xml::Element &aElement)
 Construct the base class portion of an Object from a given Xml element that describes this Object. More...
template<class T >
PropertyIndex addProperty (const std::string &name, const std::string &comment, const T &value)
 Define a new single-value property of known type T, with the given name, associated comment, and initial value. More...
template<class T >
PropertyIndex addOptionalProperty (const std::string &name, const std::string &comment)
 Add an optional property, meaning it can contain either no value or a single value. More...
template<class T >
PropertyIndex addOptionalProperty (const std::string &name, const std::string &comment, const T &value)
 Add an optional property, meaning it can contain either no value or a single value. More...
template<class T >
PropertyIndex addListProperty (const std::string &name, const std::string &comment, int minSize, int maxSize)
 Define a new list-valued property of known type T, with the given name, associated comment, minimum (==0) and maximum (>0) allowable list lengths, and a zero-length initial value. More...
template<class T , template< class > class Container>
PropertyIndex addListProperty (const std::string &name, const std::string &comment, int minSize, int maxSize, const Container< T > &valueList)
 Define a new list-valued property as above, but assigning an initial value via some templatized container class that supports size() and indexing. More...
PropertyIndex getPropertyIndex (const std::string &name) const
 Look up a property by name and return its PropertyIndex if it is found. More...
template<class T >
PropertyIndex getPropertyIndex () const
 Look up an unnamed property by the type of object it contains, and return its PropertyIndex if it is found. More...
void updateFromXMLDocument ()
 Use this method only if you're deserializing from a file and the object is at the top level; that is, primarily in constructors that take a file name as input. More...
void setDocument (XMLDocument *doc)
 Unconditionally set the XMLDocument associated with this object. More...
const XMLDocumentgetDocument () const
 Get a const pointer to the document (if any) associated with this object. More...
XMLDocumentupdDocument ()
 Get a writable pointer to the document (if any) associated with this object. More...

Protected Attributes

PropertyBool _propUseSteps
 Flag that indicates whether or not to linearly interpolate between nodes or use step functions. More...
< ControlLinearNode
 Array of control nodes. More...
< ControlLinearNode
< ControlLinearNode
PropertyDbl _propKp
 Position gain for PD follower filter. More...
PropertyDbl _propKv
 Velocity gain for PD follower filter. More...
bool & _useSteps
ArrayPtrs< ControlLinearNode > & _xNodes
ArrayPtrs< ControlLinearNode > & _minNodes
ArrayPtrs< ControlLinearNode > & _maxNodes
double & _kp
double & _kv
ControlLinearNode _searchNode
 Utility node for speeding up searches for control values in getControlValue() and elsewhere. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from OpenSim::Control
PropertyBool _propIsModelControl
 Flag that specifies whether or not this control is a model control. More...
PropertyBool _propExtrapolate
 Flag that specifies whether or not this control should use extrapolation for times outside the time range of the control parameters. More...
PropertyDbl _propDefaultMin
 Default parameter minimum. More...
PropertyDbl _propDefaultMax
 Default parameter maximum. More...
PropertyBool _propFilterOn
 Flat that indicates whether PD follower filter is on. More...
bool & _isModelControl
 Reference to the value of the IsModelControl property. More...
bool & _extrapolate
 Reference to the value of the Extrapolate flag. More...
double & _defaultMin
 Reference to the value of the DefaultMin property. More...
double & _defaultMax
 Reference to the value of the DefaultMax property. More...
bool & _filterOn
 Reference to the value of the PropFilterOn property. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from OpenSim::Object
PropertySet _propertySet
 OBSOLETE: Property_Deprecated set for serializable member variables of this and derived classes. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from OpenSim::Object
static const std::string DEFAULT_NAME
 Name used for default objects when they are serialized. More...

Detailed Description

A class that represents a piece-wise linear control curve.

The curve is specified by an array of control nodes (see class ControlLinearNode) that occur at monotonically increasing times. The value of the control curve is computed by linearly interpolating the values of the appropriate control nodes.

For this Control, parameters are the values of the ControlLinearNode's.

Frank C. Anderson

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

OpenSim::ControlLinear::ControlLinear ( )
OpenSim::ControlLinear::ControlLinear ( const ControlLinear aControl)
virtual OpenSim::ControlLinear::~ControlLinear ( )

Member Function Documentation

void OpenSim::ControlLinear::clearControlNodes ( )
void OpenSim::ControlLinear::copyData ( const ControlLinear aControl)

Copy the member variables of the specified ControlLinear over to this ControlLinear.

virtual void OpenSim::ControlLinear::filter ( double  aT)

Filter the control curve at a particular time using a PD follower filter.

See Also
aTTime at which to compute a new, filtered control value

Reimplemented from OpenSim::Control.

ArrayPtrs<ControlLinearNode>& OpenSim::ControlLinear::getControlMaxValues ( )
ArrayPtrs<ControlLinearNode>& OpenSim::ControlLinear::getControlMinValues ( )
virtual double OpenSim::ControlLinear::getControlValue ( double  aT)

Gets the value of this control at time aT.

If the value of the curve is not defined, SimTK::NaN is returned. If the control is set to extrapolate, (see getExtrapolate()), and the time is before that of the first node or after that of the last node, then an extrapolation is performed to determine the value of the control curve. Otherwise, the value of either the first control node or last control node is returned.

aTTime at which to get the control.

Implements OpenSim::Control.

virtual double OpenSim::ControlLinear::getControlValueMax ( double  aT = 0.0)

Gets the maximum allowed value of this control at time aT.

aTTime at which to get the control.
Maximum allowed control value. If the value of the curve is not defined, _defaultMax is returned. If the control is set to extrapolate, getExtraplate, and the time is before the first node or after the last node, then an extrapolation is performed to determin the value of the control curve. Otherwise, the value of either the first control node or last control node is returned.

Implements OpenSim::Control.

virtual double OpenSim::ControlLinear::getControlValueMin ( double  aT = 0.0)

Gets the minimum allowed value of this control at time aT.

aTTime at which to get the control.
Minimum allowed control value. If the value of the curve is not defined, _defaultMin is returned. If the control is set to extrapolate, (see getExtraplate()), and the time is before the first node or after the last node, then an extrapolation is performed to determin the value of the control curve. Otherwise, the value of either the first control node or last control node is returned.

Implements OpenSim::Control.

ArrayPtrs<ControlLinearNode>& OpenSim::ControlLinear::getControlValues ( )
virtual const double OpenSim::ControlLinear::getFirstTime ( ) const

The time corresponding to the first ControlLinearNode.

Reimplemented from OpenSim::Control.

double OpenSim::ControlLinear::getKp ( ) const
See Also
double OpenSim::ControlLinear::getKv ( ) const
See Also
virtual const double OpenSim::ControlLinear::getLastTime ( ) const

The time corresponding to the last ControlLinearNode.

Reimplemented from OpenSim::Control.

virtual int OpenSim::ControlLinear::getNumParameters ( ) const

Returns the number of parameters that are used to specify the control curve.

Implements OpenSim::Control.

virtual int OpenSim::ControlLinear::getParameterList ( double  aT,
Array< int > &  rList 
rListIf aT lies between two nodes, the indices of these two nodes are returned; if aT equals the time at which a node occurs, the index of that node is returned; if aT is less than the time of the first node in the array, the index of the first node (i.e., 0) is returned; if aT is greater than the time of the last node, the index of the last node (i.e., size-1) is returned.

Implements OpenSim::Control.

virtual int OpenSim::ControlLinear::getParameterList ( double  aTLower,
double  aTUpper,
Array< int > &  rList 

Gets the list of parameters that affect the control curve between two specified times and that do NOT affect the control curve below the lower of these two times.

This method is useful when solving for a set of controls for a dynamic simulation. When solving for a set of controls, one always wants to go forward in time. Therefore, one does not want to change control parameters that affect the control curve at past times.

A control parameter is included in the list only if it affects the control curve in the specified time interval AND does NOT affect the control curve below the lower bound of the specified time interval. So, it is possible that some of the parameters on the returned list could affect the control curve at times greater than the upper bound of the specified time interval.

aTLowerLower time bound.
aTUpperUpper time bound.
rListList of indices of the control parameters that affect the curve between aTLower and aTUpper but not before aTLower.
Length of rList.

Implements OpenSim::Control.

virtual double OpenSim::ControlLinear::getParameterMax ( int  aI) const
See Also
aIIndex of the parameter.
Exceptionif aI is invalid.

Implements OpenSim::Control.

virtual double OpenSim::ControlLinear::getParameterMin ( int  aI) const
See Also
aIIndex of the parameter for which the minimum value is desired.
Exceptionif aI is invalid.

Implements OpenSim::Control.

virtual void OpenSim::ControlLinear::getParameterNeighborhood ( int  aI,
double &  rTLower,
double &  rTUpper 
) const
aIIndex of the parameter.
rTLowerThe time of parameter aI-1 or of aI if there is no parameter aI-1. If there are no ControlLinearNode's at all or if aI is invalid, rTLower is given the value SimTK::NaN.
rTUpperThe time of parameter aI+1 or of aI if there is no parameter aI+1. If there are no ControlLinearNode's at all or if aI is invalid, rTUpper is given the value SimTK::NaN.

Implements OpenSim::Control.

virtual double OpenSim::ControlLinear::getParameterTime ( int  aI) const

Get the time at which a parameter (control curve value) is specified.

Not for minimum or maximum values of parameters; only for specified values of the control curve, as set via setParameterValue() or setControlValue().

aIIndex of the parameter.
Exceptionif aI is invalid.

Implements OpenSim::Control.

virtual double OpenSim::ControlLinear::getParameterValue ( int  aI) const
bool OpenSim::ControlLinear::getUseSteps ( ) const
See Also
void OpenSim::ControlLinear::insertNewMaxNode ( int  index,
const ControlLinearNode newNode 

Called from GUI to work around early garbage collection.

References OpenSim::Object::clone().

void OpenSim::ControlLinear::insertNewMinNode ( int  index,
const ControlLinearNode newNode 

Called from GUI to work around early garbage collection.

References OpenSim::Object::clone().

void OpenSim::ControlLinear::insertNewValueNode ( int  index,
const ControlLinearNode newNode 

Called from GUI to work around early garbage collection.

References OpenSim::Object::clone().

static double OpenSim::ControlLinear::Interpolate ( double  aX1,
double  aY1,
double  aX2,
double  aY2,
double  aX 

Linearly interpolate or extrapolate given two points.

aX1X coordinate of point 1.
aY1Y coordinate of point 1.
aX2X coordinate of point 2.
aY2Y coordinate of point 2.
aXX coordinate whose corresponding Y coordinate is desired.
Y value corresponding to aX.
ControlLinear& OpenSim::ControlLinear::operator= ( const ControlLinear aControl)
virtual void OpenSim::ControlLinear::setControlValue ( double  aT,
double  aX 

This method adds a set of control parameters at the specified time unless the specified time equals the time of an existing ControlLinearNode, in which case the parameters of that control node are changed.

Implements OpenSim::Control.

virtual void OpenSim::ControlLinear::setControlValueMax ( double  aT,
double  aX 

This method adds a set of control parameters at the specified time unless the specified time equals the time of an existing control node, in which case the parameters of that control node are changed.

Implements OpenSim::Control.

virtual void OpenSim::ControlLinear::setControlValueMin ( double  aT,
double  aX 

This method adds a set of control parameters at the specified time unless the specified time equals the time of an existing control node, in which case the parameters of that control node are changed.

Implements OpenSim::Control.

void OpenSim::ControlLinear::setKp ( double  aKp)

Sets the position gain for PD follower filter.

This value is relevant only if the PD follower filter will be used.

See Also
aKpValue of position gain for the PD follower filter.
void OpenSim::ControlLinear::setKv ( double  aKv)

Sets the velocity gain for PD follower filter.

This value is relevant only if the PD follower filter will be used.

See Also
aKvValue of velocity gain for the PD follower filter.
virtual void OpenSim::ControlLinear::setParameterMax ( int  aI,
double  aMax 

Set the maximum value that a control parameter can take on.

aIIndex of the parameter.
aMaxMaximum value the parameter can have.
Exceptionif aI is invalid.

Implements OpenSim::Control.

virtual void OpenSim::ControlLinear::setParameterMin ( int  aI,
double  aMin 

Sets the minimum value that a control parameter can take on.

aIIndex of the parameter.
aMinMinimum value the parameter can have.
Exceptionif aI is invalid.

Implements OpenSim::Control.

virtual void OpenSim::ControlLinear::setParameterValue ( int  aI,
double  aP 
aIIndex of the parameter.
aPThe parameter value is simply the value of the aI-th ControlLinearNode (which is the value of the control curve).

Implements OpenSim::Control.

virtual void OpenSim::ControlLinear::setupProperties ( )

Connect properties to local pointers.

Reimplemented from OpenSim::Control.

void OpenSim::ControlLinear::setUseSteps ( bool  aTrueFalse)

Sets whether or not step functions are used between control nodes or linear interpolation.

When step functions are used, the value of the control curve between two nodes is the value of the node that occurs later in time.

aTrueFalseIf true, step functions will be used to determine the value between adjacent nodes. If false, linear interpolation will be used.
virtual void OpenSim::ControlLinear::simplify ( const PropertySet aProperties)

The number of control nodes is reduced by first applying a lowpass filter to the sequence of control nodes using a specified cutoff frequency and then removing nodes that keep the curve within a specified distance to the low-pass filtered curve.

The PropertySet should contain:

aPropertiesPropertySet containing the needed properties for this method.
Exceptionif an error is encountered.

Reimplemented from OpenSim::Control.

bool OpenSim::ControlLinear::simplify ( const double &  cutoffFrequency,
const double &  distance 

Another interface to simplify that: (1) does not require properties, and (2) returns bool on failure for a more graceful batch simplification.

Member Data Documentation

double& OpenSim::ControlLinear::_kp
double& OpenSim::ControlLinear::_kv
ArrayPtrs<ControlLinearNode>& OpenSim::ControlLinear::_maxNodes
ArrayPtrs<ControlLinearNode>& OpenSim::ControlLinear::_minNodes
PropertyDbl OpenSim::ControlLinear::_propKp

Position gain for PD follower filter.

PropertyDbl OpenSim::ControlLinear::_propKv

Velocity gain for PD follower filter.

PropertyObjArray<ControlLinearNode> OpenSim::ControlLinear::_propMaxNodes
PropertyObjArray<ControlLinearNode> OpenSim::ControlLinear::_propMinNodes
PropertyBool OpenSim::ControlLinear::_propUseSteps

Flag that indicates whether or not to linearly interpolate between nodes or use step functions.

PropertyObjArray<ControlLinearNode> OpenSim::ControlLinear::_propXNodes

Array of control nodes.

ControlLinearNode OpenSim::ControlLinear::_searchNode

Utility node for speeding up searches for control values in getControlValue() and elsewhere.

Without this node, a control node would need to be contructed, but this is too expensive. It is better to contruct a node up front, and then just alter the time.

bool& OpenSim::ControlLinear::_useSteps
ArrayPtrs<ControlLinearNode>& OpenSim::ControlLinear::_xNodes

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: