This project extends the OpenSim Inverse Kinematics Tool, enabling the estimation of joint kinematics from orientations provided by IMUs or from a combination of IMUs orientations and markers. Moreover, it implements a tool to adjust virtual IMU orientations in body reference frames during a static trial.
Wearable and relatively cheap, Inertial (and Magnetic) Measurement Units (IMUs) are a promising solution to human motion estimation. Indeed, this technology could enable continuous kinematics analysis in almost every environment (i.e. clinical, outdoor, daily-life, industry).
This project extends the OpenSim Inverse Kinematics Tool, enabling the estimation of joint kinematics from orientations provided by IMUs or from a combination of IMUs orientations and markers.
The developed OB-IK plug-in for OpenSim contains:
- oSensor model: a model of the orientation sensor
- extendedIKTool: an extended version of the OpenSim Inverse Kinematics tool, which enables to solve the IK problem using as data source either oSensor orientations or marker data (or both of them as the same time)
- oSensorsPlacerTool: a tool to adjust the orientation of the virtual oSensors placed on a model, trying to match the experimental orientations collected during a static trial. Requirement for this tool is the knowledge of the pose of the subject during the static trial.
Moreover, two executables are provided to run the tools from command line. The configuration of the execution can be easily managed using .xml setup files, as for the standard OpenSim tools.