
Drawing inputs from Bio-medical Imaging datasets (Both of CT-Angio/ MRI/ IVUS)*
* Computed Tomography Angiography;
* Magnetic Resonance Imaging;
* Intra - Vascular Ultra Sound (of Athero-sclerotic Plaques).

as well as to Compute the Hemodynamic parameters and thus derive an Integrated Model upon CFD simulation of Thromboembolism in Human Heart (Coronary/ Carotid artery); whereby we visualize and Quantify the arterial flow in Laminar/ Turbulent/ Eddy regimes across a broad range allowed by ranges permissible by Multi-Variate Analysis of these "52" CFD numbers, coupled with Hemodynamic parameters deviating from Normal values- attempting to link both Theoretical Number Theory and Applied Numerical Methods in this Pursuit in the Cardio-Vascular Context, thereof.

To evaluate "52" dimensionless CFD numbers (akin to 'deck' of French-Playing cards):-
# Reynolds number,
# Sherwood number,
# Schimdt number,
# Rayleigh number,
# Weber number,
# Capillary number,
# Bond number,
# Froude number,
# Nusselt number,
# Peclet number (for Mass diffusivity),
# Peclet number (for Heat diffusivity),
# Prandtl number,
# Grashof number, and
# Brinkman number,
# Cavitation number,
# Stanton number,
# [Mass -Transfer] Stanton number,
# Eckert number,
# Knudsen number,
# Graetz number,
# Lewis number,
# Mach number,
# Poiseuille number,
# Rossby number,
# Strouhal number; and
# Taylor number,
# Archimedes number,
# Arrhenius number,
# Bingham number,
# Biot number,
# [Mass-Transfer] Biot number,
# Blake number,
# Bondenstein number,
# Cauchy number,
# Coefficient of Frication (dimensionless number),
# Condensation number,
# Dean number,
# Drag-coefficient (dimensionless number),
# Elasticity number,
# Etovos number,
# Euler number,
# Fourier number,
# [Mass-Transfer] Fourier number,
# Friction factor (dimensionless number),
# Galileo number,
# Colburn "j" (Heat) factor,
# Colburn "j" (Mass) factor,
# Hodgson number,
# Jakob number,
# Ohnesorge number,
# Pipeline parameter (dimensionless number),
# Power number [possibly of 3D-printed Thrombotic human heart].

Ideally, we would very much like to Extend this "Wolfram Mathematica-11 Demonstration" under the simplistic consideration of a Single "Spherical Thromb", merely beyond the Re= Reynolds number - to ALL of the "52" CFD-'deck' numbers immediately post-Plaque Fissure around the instance of "Thrombotic-Thrombolytic Equilibrium" involved in Coronary Arterial flow.

- Mikhail Dimitrov Mikhailov
"Flow around a Sphere at Finite Reynolds Number by Galerkin Method"
Wolfram Demonstrations Project
Published: January 2, 2013

[0] Coronary Plaque Disruption
Erling Falk, Prediman K. Shah, Valentin Fuster
Circulation. 1995;92:657-671
Originally published August 1, 1995.

[1] Lagrangian wall shear stress structures and near-wall transport in high-Schmidt-number aneurysmal flows.
Amirhossein Arzani (a1), Alberto M. Gambaruto (a2), Guoning Chen (a3) and Shawn C. Shadden (a1)
(a1) Mechanical Engineering, University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
(a2) Mechanical Engineering, University of Bristol, University Walk, Bristol BS8 1TR, UK
(a3) Computer Science, University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204, USA

[2] A reduced-dimensional model for near-wall transport in cardiovascular flows.
Kirk B. Hansen* , Shawn C. Shadden*
*Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA.
PMID: 26298313 PMCID: PMC4764478 DOI: 10.1007/s10237-015-0719-4






~Inspiration: "CAF" (Cellular Automaton Fluids: Wolfram, 1986).
