Trending Projects
OpenCap is a software package to estimate 3D humanmovement dynamics from smartphone videos.
Forum posts last week: 1
New followers: 1
Platform for Dynamic Simulation and Control of Movement based on OpenSim&MATLAB
This project overcomes neuromusculoskeletalsystems limitations of MATLAB®/Simulink® and
robust design & control limitations of OpenSim
through an interface between these two software
packages that combines relevant strengths of each
individual package.
Total followers: 73
OpenArm: Volumetric & Time Series Models of Muscle Deformation
The OpenArm data sets are designed to enable studyof force- and kinematic-induced muscle deformation
for applications in biomechanics research,
computer graphics, and assistive device
development. **NEW:** The OpenArm Multisensor
2.0 data set contains new time series of
ultrasound-measured brachioradialis deformation,
surface electromyography (sEMG)-measured
activation, force, and goal trajectory data, for
various force-, deformation-, and activation-based
trajectory tracking tasks, under refined
conditions from those of the 1.0 data set. Also
included are all analysis, real-time muscle
deformation tracking, and display code. The
OpenArm Multisensor 1.0 data set contains time
series cross-sectional ultrasound scans of the
brachioradialis muscle under variable elbow
loading, alongside corresponding surface
electromyography (sEMG), acoustic myography (AMG),
and force data. The OpenArm 1.0 and 2.0 data
sets encompass factorial sets of volumetric scans
of the arm, generated using ultrasound and motion
capture, that allow for analysis of both force-
and configuration-associated muscle deformation.
Downloads last week: 81
Total downloads: 15,752
Open Knee(s): Virtual Biomechanical Representations of the Knee Joint
Open Knee(s) goals have been to provide freeaccess to three-dimensional finite element
representations of the knee joint and promote open
development of knee models for collaborative
testing and use. <B>Definitive Guide to
Project and Its Outcomes</B> Open Knee(s): A
Free and Open Source Library of Specimen-Specific
Models and Related Digital Assets for Finite
Element Analysis of the Knee Joint. Chokhandre S,
Schwartz A, Klonowski E, Landis B, Erdemir A. Ann
Biomed Eng. 2023 Jan;51(1):10-23. (<A
074-0</A>) <B>Definitive Guide to
Open Knee(s) Data</B> Specimen specific
imaging and joint mechanical testing data for next
generation virtual knees. Chokhandre S, Neumann
EE, Nagle TF, Colbrunn RW, Flask CA, Colak C,
Halloran J, Erdemir A. Data Brief. 2021 Jan
30;35:106824. (<A
824</A>) <B>Database of Open
Knee(s) Models</B> Under Downloads ->
Data Share -> View -> OKS_models and at
<B>Database of Open Knee(s)
Data</B> Growing version under Downloads
-> Data Share -> View -> Open Knees Data;
permanent static version at (<A
Downloads last week: 207
Total followers: 47
Total downloads: 147,221
Model of the Scapulothoracic Joint
Provide an OpenSim Joint model that enables a moreaccurate representation of scapula mechanics in
musculoskeletal simulations.
Total followers: 30
Total downloads: 10,665
Full Body Model for use in Dynamic Simulations of Human Gait
Full body musculoskeletal model withmuscle-actuated lower extremity and
torque-actuated torso/upper extremity for use in
dynamic simulations of human movement.
Total followers: 35
Total downloads: 13,621
OpenMM Zephyr
OpenMM Zephyr provides a visual application forrunning GPU-accelerated molecular simulations.
Downloads last week: 29,354
Total downloads: 1,180,308
Thoracolumbar spine and rib cage model in OpenSim
The aim of this project is to provide detailed andwell-validated musculoskeletal models of the
thoracolumbar spine and rib cage, particularly for
investigators with an interest studying
musculoskeletal loading in the trunk.
Total followers: 39
Snorkel is an open-source system that generatestraining data for information extraction systems,
also known as predictive systems.
Downloads last week: 111
Total downloads: 46,799
OpenMM includes everything one needs to run modernmolecular simulations. It is extremely flexible
with its custom functions, is open-source, and has
high performance, especially on recent GPUs.
Downloads last week: 1,581
Total followers: 66
Total downloads: 834,475
Closed loop simulation of a human-exoskeleton and kinetic and kinematic modeling
This project attempts to tackle some of thechallenges in developing an exoskeleton device
using simulation methods. in this project, the
closed loop simulation of a human exoskeleton is
performed .In this study, a simulation-based
method is presented for the designing and analysis
of the parameters of an exoskeleton and its
wearer’s kinetics and kinematics. Model-based
design software, including OpenSim and Inventor,
and mathematical software, such as MATLAB, are
integrated. This method can assist in the
modification of exoskeleton devices and allow
physiologists, and physical therapists to
generate new solutions for rehabilitation programs
using exoskeletons.
Downloads last week: 73
Total downloads: 10,408
Calibrated EMG-Informed Neuromusculoskeletal Modelling Toolbox (CEINMS)
Provides an easy to use toolbox, compatible withOpenSim, for the estimation of the human lower
extremity muscle and joint dynamics.
Total followers: 41
Whole-Cell Computational Model of Mycoplasma genitalium
This project provides all code and data for thefirst "whole-cell" model of the entire life cycle
of a living organism, Mycoplasma
Downloads last week: 2,048
Total downloads: 287,670
Upper Extremity Dynamic Model
Provides the files associated with a dynamic modelof the upper limb for use in SIMM or OpenSim.
Total followers: 45
Provide easy-to-use, extensible software formodeling, simulating, controlling, and analyzing
the neuromusculoskeletal system.
Downloads last week: 1,426
Forum posts last week: 10
Total followers: 318
Total downloads: 812,453
By Category
Biological applications
PhD Position in Neuromusculoskeletal Modeling
Rice Computational Neuromechanics Lab
Jul 20, 2024
Jul 20, 2024
The Rice Computational Neuromechanics Lab directed by B.J. Fregly is seeking to hire a new PhD student with the appointment beginning as soon as possible.