
Experimental data and simulation-estimated knee contact forces from ten healthy individuals walking on an instrumented treadmill. Participants were provided with real-time biofeedback instructing them to walk with differing gastrocnemius and soleus activation.

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Experimental data and simulation results from ten healthy individuals walking on an instrumented treadmill. Participants were provided with real-time biofeedback instructing them to walk with greater soleus muscle activation and less gastrocnemius activation, with the goal of reducing knee contact force. A custom static optimization code that incorporated EMG into the muscle redundancy solution was used to estimate the effect of the altered coordination pattern on knee contact force.

The manuscript using these data and simulations can be found here:
Uhlrich, S.D., Jackson, R.W., Seth, A. Kolesar, J.A., Delp, S.L. Muscle coordination retraining inspired by musculoskeletal simulations reduces knee contact force. Sci Rep 12, 9842 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-13386-9
