
This project page contains all the relevant data of our project: Emu Model for Investigating Locomotor dYnamics (EMILY). The emu is a large (ratite) running bird from Australia. We have used this model for predictive gait simulations in OpenSim/Moco.

This project page will contain all the relevant data and files for our musculoskeletal model of the emu. This includes (OpenSim) model files, 3D skeletal geometry, and other all relevant simulator outputs pertaining to our publications. We will also provide example Matlab scripts to run (predictive) gait optimizations in Moco, together with scripts that post-process these outputs and generate plots.

The data in this project is currently set to private. For review purposes, all the relevant files are available here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1hPOsFYcOVosepdbMNUbTw22zH7wUUrpr?usp=sharing
